Mas-Wrestling Viking Challenge International Tournament at the Fefor Power Week
Mas-Wrestling Viking Challenge International Tournament
Dates and venue
Competitions are held on July 22-24, 2022 in Fefor, Norway.
Competition Management
The general management of the preparation and conduct of the competitions is carried out by Organizers from Norway, the International Mas-Wrestling Federation, Republican Center for National Sports named after Vasiliy Manchaary.
The direct conduct of the competition rests with the Main Jury, approved by the International Mas-Wrestling Federation.
Men and women aged 18 or elder are allowed to participate in the competitions at the personal invitation of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation, passed medical examination and permitted to engage in power sports.
Weight categories:
Men - 60 kg, 70 kg, 80 kg, 90 kg, 105 kg, 125 kg, 125+ kg;
Women - 55 kg, 65 kg, 75 kg, 85 kg, 85+ kg;
If less than 3 athletes in any category, they move to the next higher weight category.
In each weight category only 8 (eight) athletes are allowed to participate. The Scandinavian countries are given a quota of up to 4 (four) athletes in each category.
Participants are required to perform in sports clothing in accordance with the rules of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation (shorts for mas-wrestling of an IMWF-established model, red or blue (by lot) and in sports shoes with a soft sole without spikes. It is prohibited to use shoes with heels, with a sole, lined with nails, buckles or other metal, plastic and pointed elements.
In order to prevent sports injuries, the use of the following personal attributes are allowed:
- elastic bandages not wider than 25 cm;
- special belts with a width of not more than 10 cm, while the weight of the belt should not exceed 1.5 kg;
- knee pads and elbow pads with a width of no more than 30 cm.
- sports taping;
- means without adhesive properties in the form of powders (magnesia, rosin), liquid magnesia.
Applications of the athletes and coaches are accepted until June 20, 2022.
- Lena Tomskaya, Russian Federation, Moscow, Myasnitsky proezd, 3/26, International Mas-Wrestling Federation, e-mail:,, WhatsApp +7 9263192088.
- Kikki Berli-Johnsen, IHGF Norway, email:, WhatsApp +4740242639,
Applications signed by the Head of the National Federation and physician should be given to the Registration and Admission Commission and following documents for each athlete: - passport, insurance of life and health from accidents (original) and medical reference approving admittance to the competitions.
Athletes, who need VISA for entrance and stay on the territory of Norway, should submit concerned information for VISA with passport copy until June 20, 2022 at the address:
Competitions are individual and held according to the acting Rules of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation.
Changes are possible in the system of the competitions according to the Rules of the competitions depended on number of participants in weight categories:
- for 6 in a weight category –the system with elimination after 2 (two) defeats, with division onto groups “A” and “B”.
- for 5, 4 or 3 athletes in a weight category – Round-Robin system;
- for 2 or less athletes in a weight category – the weight category joins to the next weight category.
The final results (protocols) on paper and electronic form should be given to the International Mas-Wrestling Federation in 2 (two) weeks after the event is over.
Participation in the competitions is allowed only in case of presence of the insurance of life and health from accidents (original) for each athlete, which is given to the Registration and Admission Commission. Insurance fees of the athletes carry the sending organizations.
Competitions to be held in sport buildings, agreeable to the standards of corresponding standard rules of law, functioning in the territory of Norway and directed to provide public order and safety of participants and spectators, in the presence of acts of operational readiness of sports buildings for the activities, approved in the prescribed order.
Qualified medical personnel should present in the competition venue.
All costs connected with the preparation and holding of the competition carry Norway Mas-Wrestling Federation and the Organizing Committee on the competition venue, the International Mas-Wrestling Federation, State Institution of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) “Republican center of national sports named V. Manchaary”.
Travel expenses (tickets, accommodation, food, insurance, VISA fees) of participants carry sending organizations.
Top three athletes in each weight category to be awarded with diplomas, medals and prize money or special prizes.
Marketing and advertising
The Organizing Committee guarantees maintenance of Sponsor rights by the partners and sponsors of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation, appointed in the appropriate Agreements as well as basic principles of marketing of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation.
- The airport to fly into is OSLO AIRPORT GARDERMOEN.
- Train from Gardermoen to VINSTRA STASJON
- Taxi from train station to FEFOR HØIFJELLSHOTELL
(also a possibility to be picked up by van from the hotel, but then you need to inform me/hotel on when you arrive at the train station)
- You book your room by emailing
Remember to write what date you arrive and what date you leave. Use code FPW to get discounted price of your stay.
- Price per night is NOK 1490,-. In that price you will have 4 all-you-can-eat meals with the most amazing food there is. You will also have access to all facilities at the hotel.

up to 90 kg.

up to 105 kg.
up to 80 kg.

up to 105 kg.

over 85 kg.