2022 Kolmar Cup International Mas-Wrestling Tournament
International tournament
I. Aims and objectives
The aim is popularization and development of Mas-Wrestling in the World.
- strengthening friendly relationship among countries;
- determination the strongest athletes in the world.
II. Date and venue
International mas-wrestling tournament «Pacific Rim» is held in Vladivostok (Russia) within sports program of the VII Eastern Economic Forum on address: Russkiy Island, Exhibition «Far Eastern Street» on September 4-8, 2022.
Arrival days – September 4-5, departure day – September 8.
III. Management
General management of preparation and holding of competitions is carried out by the All-Russian Mas-Wrestling Federation, International Mas-Wrestling Federation, Joint Stock company «Yakutia Railways», SBI of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) «Republican Center of National Sports named after Vasily Manchaary» and Mas-Wrestling Development Fund "Planet Mas-Wrestling" and Organizing Committee on the preparation and holding Eastern Economic Forum.
Direct responsibility of holding the event carried on the Grand Jury, approved by the International Mas-Wrestling Federation.
IV. Conditions for holding and participants
Competitions are of a personal nature and are held among men and women according to the current rules of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation with elimination after two defeats with division into groups "A" and "B".
Weight categories: 75 kg and 90 kg.
In the first round, pairs are drawn according to the draw. Athletes who win their fights continue to compete in Group A until reaching the final, the losers continue to compete in Group B and have the right to fight only for third place. Athletes who previously met in group "A" do not meet in group "B". All athletes who lose twice are eliminated from the competition. The two remaining athletes in Group B are in third place. With an odd number of participants, the athlete who occupies the last numbering during the draw during the competition becomes free in this round and in the next round of the competition rises to the top line of the tournament table and competes on the red side of the platform.
Allowed to participate 16 men (8 on each category) by the personal invitation of International Mas-Wrestling Federation, passed medical examination and permitted to engage in power sports.
Participants are obliged to compete in sportswear according to the Rules of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation (Mas-Wrestling shorts of red or blue colour (according to drawing) and sports shoes without spikes with soft sole.
Parade uniform with logos of the event organizers and the sponsor organization is allowed.
V. Program
September 4-5 (Sunday and Monday) |
Arrival days |
Registration and admission of participants |
September 6 (Tuesday) |
International mas-wrestling tournament «Pacific Rim» |
September 7 (Wednesday) |
Competitions in Yakut sports (according to a separate Regulation) |
September 8 (Thursday) |
Departure day |
Changes are possible in the Program.
VI. Awarding
Winners of a tournament to be awarded with medals, diplomas, and special prize.
Award and souvenir products are provided by the organizers of the tournament as agreed.
VIII. Financing
Financial support associated with organizational expenses for the preparation and holding of competitions is carried out by the organizers in accordance with the cost estimate as agreed without attracting funds from the federal budget.
All costs connected with the preparation and holding of the competition, under the terms of the equity, carry J-SC «Yakutia Railways», All-Russian Mas-Wrestling Federation, International Mas-Wrestling Federation, Mas-Wrestling Development Fund "Planet Mas-Wrestling" and State budgetary institution of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) «Republican Center of National Sports named after Vasily Manchaary».
IX. Safety
Ensuring the safety of participants and spectators is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for ensuring safety during official sports competitions, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 18, 2014 No. 353; order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2015 No. 1092 "On approval of the Requirements for individual infrastructure facilities of venues for official sports competitions and technical equipment of stadiums to ensure public order and public safety".
The provision of medical care is carried out in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated March 1, 2016 No. 134-n “On the procedure for organizing the provision of medical care to people involved in physical culture and sports (including in the preparation and holding of physical culture and sports events), including the procedure for a medical examination of persons wishing to undergo sports training, engage in physical culture and sports in organizations and (or) fulfill the test standards (tests) of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense”.
Competitions to be held in sport buildings, agreeable to the standards of corresponding standard rules of law, functioning in the territory of the Russian Federation and directed to provide public order and safety of participants and spectators, in the presence of acts of operational readiness of sports buildings for the activities, approved in the prescribed order.
X. Insurance
Participation in the tournament is allowed only in case of presence of the insurance of life and health from accidents (original) for each athlete. Insurance fees of the athletes carry the sending organizations.
XI. Applications
Preliminary applications, by agreement of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation, are sent before July 15, 2022 to the address:
Russian Federation, Moscow, International Mas-Wrestling Federation on address: Myasnitskiy proezd, building 3/1, e-mail: imwf@mail.ru, len-atom@mail.ru.
Nominal applications are submitted to the commission for registration and admission of participants on the day of arrival. The participant must submit a passport and the original accident insurance contract to the commission.