2024 Pacific Rim Yakut Sports Competition
on holding Yakut all-round «Pacific Rim» within sports program
IX Eastern Economic Forum
I. Aims and objectives
The aim is to popularize national sports of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), strengthening friendly sporting relationship among countries:
Tasks: determination the strongest mas-wrestling athletes and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
II. Date and venue
Competitions is held on September 2-6, 2024 in Vladivostok, Russia, venue: Russkiy Island, Far East Street Exhibition, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) pavilion.
Competition Program:
September 2-3 - arrival days
September 4 – work of Commission on admission, weigh-in and drawing.
September 5 – competition day
September 6 – departure day
III. Management
General management of preparation and holding of competitions is carried out by the Republican Center of National Sports named after Vasiliy Manchaary, Railways of Yakutia. International Mas-wrestling Federation.
Direct responsibility of holding the event carried on the Ground Jury, approved by the International Mas-wrestling Federation.
IV. Participation terms
Allowed to participate athletes passed medical examination and permitted to engage in power sports by the personal invitation of International Mas-Wrestling Federation.
V. Conditions for holding competition
Competitions are of a personal nature and held in category: men up to 80 kg and up to 100 kg.
1. Us tegul us (Yakut jumps);
2. Tutum ergiir (Yakut turntable);
3. Kulun tardyy-Ehes torbos (Stubborn bull);
4. Mas-tardyhyy (Mas-wrestling);
5. Beremeideekh suuruu (Bag carrying).
The winners determination in the overall standings is made by the smallest sum of took places in each competition. If two or more participants have the same number of points in the overall standings, the places are determined by the number of took 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc places separately by type of competition.
Brief competition rules:
Us tegul us (Yakut jumps).
The athlete performs non-stop jumps with a race in various ways:
- 3 jumping on one leg - «Kylyy»;
- 3 alternating jump from foot to foot - «Ystanga». While the third jump mandatory landing on both feet;
- 3 jumping on two legs - «Kuobakh».
The athlete must make 9 jumps. If he made an extra jump or less than nine, his jump is not counted.
Each participant is given 3 attempts.
The winner is the player who has shown the best result in the sum of three attempts. If two or more participants show the same results in a competition, the places between them are allocated according to the best result of all other jumps.
Tutum ergiir (Yakut turntable)
The participant takes a wooden stick 25 cm high with one hand and puts it into an inventory with a recess, which is attached to the floor. The other hand is taken by a stick higher, at random distance. Without changing the initial grip, bending in the back, stepping over his legs, he must perform a full turn around the axis of his body. Full turn is counted when returning to the original position.
The exercise is given one attempt of 2 minutes duration.
The winner is the player who has made the most turns. For equal number of turns, the advantage is given to the participant having the smaller number on drawing.
The referee is obliged to stop performing the exercise, after the time has elapsed or in case of a participant:
- Changed the original grip;
- touched the ground or floor other parts of the body, except feet and hair;
- pulled the stick from the board;
- let go of the stick.
Kulun tardyy
Two participants take «lean» against each other on a line, on both sides of which at 1.5 m distance 2 check lines are made. Wearing the belt on the neck (diameter of the belt 1.5 m.), which in the initial position should be stretched, at the command of the referee participants smoothly, without a jolt begin to pull each other. The player who has pushed his opponent to the checkmark wins. The competition is round-robin, with elimination after 2 defeats. The participant who is first after 2 defeats, takes last place etc. according to the draw.
Mas-tardyhyy (Mas-wrestling)
The competitions are conducted according to the current rules of the International Mas-wrestling Federation.
Beremeideekh suuruu (Bag carrying)
The athlete starts with a bag and runs a certain distance for time. He must put the load on the rise in the half of the distance and return to the finish without it.
The winner is the one who has passed his distance faster.
VI. Awarding
Winners and prize-winners to be awarded with medals, diplomas and valuable prizes.
VII. Financing
All costs connected with the preparation and holding of competition, under the terms of the equity, carry the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) «Republican Center of National Sports named after Vasiliy Manchaary», Railways of Yakutia.
For the thematic funding Yakutia Railways concludes a sponsorship agreement with the Mas-wrestling Development Fund «Planet Mas-Wrestling».
VIII. Procedure and appeals
In controversial moments during the bouts, the protest is immediately submitted by the corner man. The considering and decision is taken before the end of the current bout by the Chief Referee of the competition with the involvement of a Referee team participating in the refereeing of this bout, as well as representatives of interested parties (without the right to participate in the discussion of the protest).
The decision on protest is announced immediately after the discussion of the situation. The Chief Referee informs the parties concerned about the decision.

Malgajdar Shyndaulyet
up to 75 kg.
up to 75 kg.

Natsagdorj Ganbold
up to 105 kg.
up to 105 kg.

Oyun-Erdene Byambatsog
up to 65 kg.
up to 65 kg.

Sukhbaatar Otgonbayar Borjigin
up to 90 kg.
up to 90 kg.