2024 Asian Mas-wrestling Championship among men and women in the absolute weight category
on holding 2024 Asian Mas-wrestling Championship
among men and women in the absolute weight category
Aims and objectives
2024 Asian Mas-wrestling Championship among men and women in the absolute weight category is the official sport event of the International Mas-wrestling Federation and is held to promote and develop mas-wrestling in the world and solves the following tasks:
- determination the strongest Asian mas-wrestling athletes;
- improvement of athlete’s sportsmanship;
- strengthening friendly sporting relationship among countries.
Date and venue
2024 Asian Mas-wrestling Championship among men and women in the absolute weight category is held on May 16-19, 2024 in Nukus, Uzbekistan, on address: I. Karimov’s Alley Str. NO.116, Sport School №1.
Arrival day – May 16, departure day – May 19, 2024.
Competition Program: *
May 16 (Thursday) – arrival day
10.00 – 12.00 – work of Commission on registration and admission of participants;
May 17 (Friday)
15.00 – 17.00 – weigh-in and drawing of participants.
May 18 (Saturday) – competition day
15.00 – 17.30 – preliminary, semi-final and final bouts
18.00 – 19.00 – awarding ceremony
May 19 (Sunday) – departure day
*Changes are possible in the Program.
General management of preparation and holding of Championship is carried out by the International Mas-wrestling Federation, Asian Mas-wrestling Federation, Mas-wrestling Federation of Uzbekistan.
Direct responsibility of holding the event carried on the Ground Jury, approved by the International Mas-wrestling Federation.
Participation terms
Athletes from Asian continent countries are allowed to participate in the Absolute Asian Championship. Allowed to participate athletes aged of 18 and over (age determines by date of birth), passed medical examination and permitted to engage in power sports by the application of the National Mas-Wrestling Federations or authorized bodies.
The National Federations are entitled to be represented up to 4 (four) athletes, but no more than 2 (two) athletes in a weight category. Mas-wrestling Federation of Uzbekistan, as the host country - 8 (eight) athletes, but no more than 4 (four) athletes in a weight category.
National Federations are recommended to include in their delegation a referee of the corresponding referee’s category to work as part of the judging panel of the competition.
Participants are required to perform in sportswear in accordance with the rules of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation.
Conditions for holding competition and determination of winners
Competitions are of a personal nature and are held according to the current rules of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation.
Depending on the number of participants in the weight categories in the competition system, changes are possible according to the competition rules:
− for 6 or more athletes in the weight category according to the system with elimination after two defeats, divided into groups "A" and "B";
− for 5, 4 or 3 athletes in a weight category, a round robin system is used;
− for 2 or less athletes in a weight category, the weight category is added to the next weight category.
Weight categories:
men – 90+ kg;
women – 75+ kg.
Participants grant the organizers the right to photograph, film or otherwise use the voice, appearance and name. Further, the content can be displayed, distributed or otherwise used in merchandising and advertising to promote the sport in any media now known and possible in the future. The rights are granted indefinitely and without additional compensation.
The final results (protocols) on paper and electronic form should be given to the International Mas-Wrestling Federation in 2 (two) weeks after the event is over.
Participation in the competitions is allowed only in case of presence of the insurance of life and health from accidents (original), which is submitted to the commission for registration and admission of participants.
Insurance fees of the athletes carry the sending organizations.
Competitions to be held in sport buildings, agreeable to the standards of corresponding standard rules of law, functioning in the territory of Uzbekistan and directed to provide public order and safety of participants and spectators.
Qualified medical personnel should present in the competition venue.
Competitors are required to adhere to the generally accepted norms of social
distancing in crowded places and comply with the requirements for organizing and holding
official physical culture and sports events on the territory of Uzbekistan while maintaining
the risks of the spread of COVID-19. Representatives of national teams must provide their
athletes with personal protective equipment and disinfectants.
All costs connected with the preparation and holding of competition, under the terms of the equity, carry the International Mas-wrestling Federation, Asian Mas-wrestling Federation, Mas-wrestling Federation of Uzbekistan, State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) «Republican Center of National Sports named after Vasiliy Manchaary», ANO «World Mas-wrestling Center» and Mas-Wrestling Development Fund «Planet Mas-Wrestling».
The costs of sending participants (travel, accommodation, meals, insurance, visa costs) are carry by the sending organizations.
Top three athletes in each weight category to be awarded with medals, diplomas, and valuable prize.
Preliminary applications are submitted until May 1, 2024 on address:
- International Mas-Wrestling Federation: imwf@mail.ru;
- Russia, Moscow, Myasnitskiy proezd, building 3, off. 611, International Mas-wrestling Federation, e-mail: len-atom@mail.ru, WhatsApp +79263192088;
- Uzbekistan, Mas-wrestling Federation of Uzbekistan, e-mail: mas-wrestling.uz@mail.ru, WhatsApp/Viber +998931827111- +998909195481;
The national flag of the country, anthem on electronic media, nominal and technical applications signed by the head of the national mas-wrestling federation and a doctor, as well as the originals of the following documents for each athlete are presented to the commission for admission of participants to competitions:
- passport, certifying the nationality of the participant or a representing country’s residence permit;
- life and health insurance policy against accidents (original);
- document on vaccination against the new coronavirus infection COVID-19, as required for the organization and conduct of sporting events in Uzbekistan in the face of continuing risks of COVID-19.
Delegations of countries that require a VISA to stay in Uzbekistan must send a list of participants with comprehensive information to the organizers in advance.
Marketing and advertising
The Organizing Committee guarantees maintenance of Sponsor rights by the partners and sponsors of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation, appointed in the appropriate Agreements.
This Regulation is the official challenge to the competition.

up to 105 kg.

up to 125 kg.

up to 75 kg.

over 85 kg.
up to 105 kg.

up to 125 kg.

up to 65 kg.

over 85 kg.

up to 125 kg.

up to 90 kg.

over 85 kg.

up to 75 kg.

up to 105 kg.

up to 125 kg.

over 85 kg.

up to 75 kg.