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Mas-Wrestling – a special philosophy of physical and spiritual training of the harmonious personality, an integral part of rich culture of the Sakha people.

Mas-wrestling roots comes fr om deep of the past. The important factors of popularity were the geographical arrangement and climatic conditions. Life in Far North wh ere very long winters and temperature falls to minus 60 degrees and in summer goes to 40 degrees are constant struggle for survival. The Sakha people had to keep good physical condition for survival in severe climate. For this purpose throughout many generations a peculiar system of support of physical health of the nation and a part of this was Mas-Wrestling. Yakut people from immemorial times are engaged in original physical exercises and constantly organize various competitions.

From literature sources it is known that each young Yakut man had to have certain physical qualities for this purpose to be called the real man – “Bootur”. This sport helped to develop such motive and strong-willed qualities as power, dexterity, speed, endurance, courage and determination. The simple inventory allowed Yakut people to be engaged in this kind of martial art almost all the year round. It doesn't demand the special room – they can be engaged practically everywhere: indoors, in the yard, on a field.

All Yakut sports celebrities which have won honorary titles of the best in the world in their sport have passed through Mas-Wrestling, persistently being engaged in it since childhood. Among Yakut people there is no person who at least once wouldn't take part in competitions in this sport. Today our people love and admire the athletes in this sport, such as: Platon Platonov a.k.a. “Ookko Bukhatyyr”, Nikolai Kolodko, Anatoliy Baishev, Evgeniy Sivtsev, Vladimir Sharin, Ivan Beloliubskiy. Fedor Fedorov, etc.

On the historical homeland Mas-Wrestling has wide popularity.

As the sport Mas-Wrestling (then mas-tardyhyy or stick pulling) has been described in the 17th century by the first researchers of Siberia and Far North. In 1922 after establishment of the Soviet authority in Yakutia, in 1923 the Yakut Council for Physical Culture and Sport has been created. This Council in 1926 has defined national sports of Yakutia, there were described and made first rules by these sports. Then rules of competitions were improved several times. In 1959 qualification standards have been developed.

In 1932 stick pulling along with other national sports has been included in the program of the Yakutian Sport Festival. And since 1968 – in the program of the Sports Festival of national sports “Manchaary Games”.

The first official rules have been developed in 1945, then classification standards up to a rank of the Master of Sports of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) are several times reconsidered and improved, developed. Now competitions are held in 7 (seven) weight categories among adult men, 5 (five) – in women, in 6 (six) among young men and owing to innovations became very dynamic and spectacular.

In the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) changes are made into the program of physical training of comprehensive schools – classes in physical culture have included national sports including Mas-Wrestling. The special program for children's sports schools is developed, competitions among school students are regularly held. In all uluses (districts), Mas-Wrestling sections work in each settlement, trainers enthusiasts fruitfully work.

In a word, traditions aren't forgotten, the strong foundation is laid, the strong base is created and the potential for further development is huge. Brand new kind of martial art in short terms began to have wide popularity in Russia and beyond its borders. In 2000 Mas-Wrestling has been included in the program of the International Sports Games “Children of Asia” which have patronage of the International Olympic Committee.