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Yakut veterans are getting ready to meet teams from all over the world

On October 20, a tournament among veterans of mas-wrestling took place in Modun Sports Arena, where the best athletes were selected to participate in Mas-Wrestling Masters Friendly Tournament among European, Asian, World and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) national teams which will be held within the framework of the 3rd Mas-Wrestling World Championships.    

In total, in this meeting were announced 13 participants. But such a small number of athletes compensated for the participation of athletes with loud names. After all, these were the three-time winner of the Games of Dygyn Innokenty Makarov, the first master of sports of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in mas-wrestling among women Aitalina Kolodeznikova, current champions of the republic among veterans Kim Bubyakin, Fedor Ivanov and Nyurgun Uvarov.

It was very interesting to watch the battle of our unfading veterans. All of them were in great shape, and at times it even seemed that they would give odds to many young athletes.

In the weight category up to 80 kg, Nyurgun Uvarov won confidently. In this weight, we also note Fedor Ivanov who took second place despite the fact that he was inferior to his rivals about 8 kg.

Gold medal in the weight category up to 95 kg was earned by mas-wrestler from Verkhnevilyuysky district Valery Savvinov. He proved that today he has no equal in this weight. The final battle between him and Innokenty Makarov turned out to be very exciting, although he defeated his eminent opponent with a score of 2:0.

In the weight category up to 105 kg there were only two participants, so they immediately found out who among them is worthy to represent the team of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in Mas-Wrestling Masters Friendly Tournament. This honor was won by Andrei Vinokurov from Khangalassky district.

Among women veterans only 2 participants were declared. And then, if it were not for the festival of folk games “Children of the White Sun”, which was also held at that time in Modun, then Katerina Belolyubskaya would have won the gold medal just like that.

All the winners of the qualifying tournament entered the national team of the republic. But also those who have remained in prize-winners can take part in a match meeting, since there can be vacancies in each of the two continents and the entire planet. So, everyone will be preparing for the November meeting on the platfotm, and it may happen that already there someone will be able to take revenge.

Champions and prize-winners


up to 80 kg

1. Nyurgun Uvarov - Khangalassky district

2. Fedor Ivanov - Churapchinsky district

3. Gavril Botuyev - Verkhnevilyuisky district

up to 95 kg

1. Valery Savvinov - Verkhnevilyuisk district

2. Innokenty Makarov - Churapchinsky district

3. Stepan Kolodeznikov - Ust-Aldan district

up to 105 kg

1. Andrey Vinokurov - Khangalassky district

2. Bubyakin Kim - Ust-Aldan district

over 105 kg

1. Anatoly Baishev - Amginskyi district


Absolute weight category

1. Katerina Belolyubskaya - Ust-Aldan district

2. Aytalina Kolodeznikova - Gornyi district

Author: Sandal Nikanorov
Photo: Sandal Nikanorov
Number of shows: 1268
Country:  Russia
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