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IMWF events will be discussed in Baku

During the competition, a working meeting of the Presidium of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation will be held.

Members of the Presidium of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation, invited leaders and representatives of the national mas-wrestling federations will discuss current issues and outline a plan for the preparation of upcoming events. The meeting will be chaired by the IMWF Secretary General
Mr. Arnold Mokhov.

The agenda includes the report of the Secretary General Arnold Mokhov on the activities of the IMWF in 2019, the information of the Vice-President of the Mas-Wrestling Federation of Uzbekistan Mr Ilgam Kadyrov about the preparations for the 2nd stage of the Mas-Wrestling World Cup, the information of the Republican center of national sports named after Vasiliy Manchaary Director Mr. Gavril Mokhnachevsky about the Kolmar Cup International Mas-Wrestling Tournament at the Eastern Economic Forum in September in Vladivostok and the speech of the IMWF Presidium member Mrs. Lena Tomskaya about the participation of Asian youth mas-wrestling teams in the 7th "Children of Asia - 2020" International Sports Games which will be held in Ulan Bator, Mongolia.

In conjunction with the last issue on the agenda of the meeting of the IMWF Presidium during the first two stages of the Mas-Wrestling World Cup, international youth tournaments will be organized to attract young people from different countries to active mas-wrestling sessions to increase their skills.

Author: Lena Tomskaya
Number of shows: 1425
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