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Turkey will host the second stage of the Mas-Wrestling World Cup - 2021

The President of the World Ethnosport Confederation Nejmeddin Bilal Erdogan in his letter to the President of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation Alexander Akimov, confirmed the holding of the second stage of the Mas-Wrestling World Cup as  a part of the V Ethnosport Culture Festival, which will be held in September. 16-19, 2021 in Istanbul, Turkey.

Dear Alexandr K. AKIMOV,

As the World Ethnosport Confederation (WEC), we would like to extend to you our sincere thanks once again for your kind hospitality offered during our visit to the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in 2019.

We are pleased to witness the process of popularization of Mas-Wrestling over the years, and we gladly welcome initiatives of promotion of Mas-Wrestling through events and activities. In this respect, we congratulate the International Mas-Wrestling Federation for organizing of the Mas-Wrestling World Cup this year.

We would be glad to host the second stage of the Mas-Wrestling World Cup during the 5th Ethnosport Cultural Festival on September 16-19, 2021 in Istanbul, Turkey.

Hopefully, the forthcoming event will significantly contribute to raising the awareness of Mas-Wrestling.


Necmeddin Bilal ERDOĞAN World Ethnosport Confederation President

Author: Лена Томская
Photo: Максим Суханов
Number of shows: 1285
Country:  Turkey
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