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Сhristofer Smith, USA: I'm looking forwards to the challenge!

Time flies by. New faces are joining our ranks. Before the final stage of the Mas-Wrestling World Cup in Finland, we present Christopher Smith from Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA.

- Chris, I would like to start getting to know the participants of the upcoming events, and since you will take part in real international Mas-Wrestling competitions for the first time, I would like to know more about you.

Christopher Smith: “Absolutely, what would you like to know?”

- First, tell us about yourself! What do you do for work?

“I just turned 31.  I am a maintenance technician for a medical company and work on machinery.”

- How long have you been involved with sports? And when did you discover Mas-Wrestling? I see that you really enjoy it!

“All my life I've been involved with sports. Playing year-round as a child in soccer, baseball, and basketball. I've stayed active throughout my life and will continue to do so. 
I discovered this in 2015 when I saw a video on Youtube. I was in the service at the time and no local gyms had Mas-Wrestling available. It wasn't until February 2021, at an Arm Wrestling tournament hosted by Stout Barbell, that I was able to try the sport for the first time.
I instantly fell in love with it! As I said, I have participated in many types over the years, but for me, Mas-Wrestling has truly brought together each of my skills; both mentally and physically.”

- So far you have competed at the local level. What do you expect from the upcoming event with the best in this sport?

“I'm very excited to compete at an international level with the best! I've always loved pushing myself to new limits and trying new things. This is the experience of a life time, and not many can say they've gone and done something like this while facing the best in the world. I expect the competition to be very intense and I'm looking forward to the challenge!”

- You are in great physical shape. How often do you train? Who helps you in your Mas-Wrestling training? 

“I try and workout daily. However, life as we all know, is crazy and gets busy. My workouts are short and precise. I don't count reps or sets; it's all based off feeling.  For Mas-Wrestling specifically, I train at Stout Barbell in Kendallville, IN.  We have an amazing group of guys who not only train and push each other, but really mesh well and have created a family-like environment. I couldn’t ask for a better group of guys!”

- Chris, what branch did you serve in? What sports are popular among the military and could Mas-Wrestling be popular, too?  I am extremely interested in holding competitions among military personnel from different countries.

“I was enlisted in the Unites States Air Force for 6 years. Service members would absolutely love to attend Mas-Wrestling events, across all branches!”

- And finally, can you please share a little bit about your family and children.

“None of my success for the sport would be possible without the love and encouragement from my wife and kids. They're my #1 fans and I'm hoping to set the example for my children to discover something they love and to find the drive to chase their dreams!”

Chris is one of the brightest representatives of the John O'Connor Mas-Wrestling school in Indiana! It is gratifying to see that our Mas-Wrestling began to take root in this state. Looking ahead, I will say that next year the North American Mas-Wrestling Championship will be held in Fort Wayne again; but on a much larger scale! Perhaps a huge baseball field with a large crowd of spectators.

Welcome aboard, Mr. Smith!
Author: Lena Tomskaya
Number of shows: 1644
Country:  United States of America
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