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Olga Sukach, Ukraine: Mas-wrestling is an amazing sport for me

The highlight of the international competitions in Istanbul was European Mas-Wrestling Championship in the absolute category. The athlete from Ukraine became the strongest among women.

Ukrainian beauty Olga Sukach has long been in sight and loved by all members of our community. Although she is one of the strongest mas-wrestlers in the world, for the first time she decided to participate in the continental championship in the absolute weight category. Despite the fact that Olya was among the participants in the lower weight threshold of 75 kg, she immediately rose to the highest step of the podium. At the end of the competition, the anthem of her Motherland sounded.

Few people know that this triumph was preceded by a long break. Two years, 2017 and 2018, Olya missed due to injury, and then the world was swept by a pandemic and everything around froze. It seemed like it would never end. During this time, Olya realized one thing - it is vital for her to train, prepare for the next starts and get the necessary dose of adrenaline. Without this, she feels that she is gradually fading away.

This year Olga Sukach entered the university with a degree in physical education, as she decided to link her professional activities with sports. From early childhood, she grew up an active child. From the age of six she was engaged in freestyle wrestling and until the age of nine she successfully performed at regional competitions. But, unfortunately, due to the lack of other girls for sparring, the favorite sport had to be abandoned. Then there was American football, volleyball, athletics, powerlifting. But it seemed that only single combat interested her. And then mas-wrestling suddenly appeared in her life.

Olga Sukach: “Mas-wrestling is an amazing sport for me, because this is the only kind of martial arts of its kind, which there is no contact, but at the same time you can feel the full strength of your opponent. I realized that it was in this sport that I would like to realize myself.

I am very glad that I can make my family happy. My family is always worried about me when I leave for competitions, and sincerely rejoices when I win. I will always try to please them. Therefore, I cannot relax, need to work hard and hard.

In Istanbul, I performed in the absolute weight category for the first time, I immediately set out to show high-quality, beautiful matches. The strongest opponent was Yana Vashkova from Slovakia. At the first stage of the 2019 Mas-Wrestling World Cup, I lost to her with a dry score - 2: 0. At the final stage in Poland, the lot did not bring us together on the platform. And so we met at the absolute and the fight ended with a score of 2: 1 in my favor.

If there is also absolute superiority at the final stage, surely I will participate. But now I’m going to explore my opponents and change my training tactics, as it is difficult to fight with heavy weights with my strategy. God forbid to show a beautiful fight at the final in Moscow and win with confidence.

We have a very friendly team, everyone always supports and worries each other. And first of all, our President Valery Nodarovich. We try not to lose touch in everyday life. I see this as a guarantee of my success ”.

Number of shows: 1049
Country:  Ukraine
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