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Mongolia is on the move!

Mongolian Mas-wrestling Federation began 2023 actively.

Mongolia this year will host the Asian Championship on August 11-13 in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar.

This event included in official calendar of the International Mas-wrestling Federation. The sport competition is also included in the list of activities agreed between the various departments of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) and Mongolia for the purpose of further good-neighbourly cooperation in the fields of science, agriculture, culture and sports. All activities were taken under the control of the Head of the Republic Aisen Nikolaev. That is why preparations for the championship in Mongolia are given special attention.

Mongolian Mas-wrestling Federation started this year with the open «New Generation Cup» and thus announced the beginning of a series of preparatory qualifying starts for the selection of athletes for the national team of the country. They will defend the honor of Mongolia in all international competitions in mas-wrestling.

The cup was held on January 6-7 in the sports hall «Mandal». 162 athletes from 12 provinces, 8 clubs and 7 districts took part. 

The medals were awarded in eighteen weight categories: six men, four boys and girls, and four younger girls.

As a result of the competition the team «New Generation» won. Silver medal taken by the team of the Gobi-Altai province. Bronze was given to the team of the gym «Aagii Pro Gym». 

Special prizes were awarded to:

- among men (70 kg) C. Batishig from Uvurkhangai aimag, representing a military organization;

- among women (75 kg) Huhuhuu Munhtuyaa from «Aagii Pro Gym»,  Bayan Ulgiy Province

- among young men (70 kg) I. Buyandalai from «Aagii Pro Gym»;

- among girls (60+ kg) T. Dolgontuya from Gobi-Altai province. 

The Chief Referee - referee of UWW with international category B. Erdenbold.

The arbitrators are Seinbayer Talman and Bumbat Daariimaa.

The baton of the Mas-wrestling competition in 2023 will take the tournament in Ulaanbaatar on January 17-18 and will further pass to February 2-4 at Gobi-Altai aimak.

Benchmarks are set. Work has started! See you soon!

Author: Lena Tomskaya
Photo: Press of the Mongolian Mas-Wrestling Federation
Number of shows: 555
Country:  Mongolia
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