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Anthems of Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Slovakia played in honor of the winners in Bardejov

The International mas-wrestling tournament in memory of Marcel Matej in Bardejov has wrapped. The event was attended by top athletes from different continents - Brazil, Hungary, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Poland, Russia and Slovakia.

At the opening ceremony of the Memorial, Jan Matej-President of the Slovak Mas-wrestling Association, took the floor first. His speech was such a thrill. In the hall there were Marcel Matej’s mother, sister, brother and other close relatives. Of course, it is very important to them that the cause of a close and dear person continues, and the movement he started on developing mas-wrestling in Slovakia was supported by followers, first of all, his best athlete Jana Vaskova.

On behalf of the mayor of the city, the member of the city council welcomed the participants. The representative of the sponsoring organization Yulia Ryasnova presented to Jan Matej a carved wooden yakut choron with the logo of the International Mas-wrestling Federation in gratitude for the promotion of the traditional yakut sport in Europe and around the whole world.

In the cultural part of the opening ceremony we heard Jan Bortnik playing on Slovak national instruments, listed as UNESCO cultural heritage, folk songs by Monika Sorokova-winner of international competitions. Yakut side gave the audience a Yakut dance "Kulunchuktar", which was performed by employees of the Republican Center for National Sports named after Vasiliy Manchaary - Aina-Katerina Anufrieva and Ailana Stepanova.

The format of the competition was adapted for television broadcasting. There was a live broadcast that viewers around the world could see on a well-known channel.

Among women in light weight Kyrgyz athlete Elza Abdykadyrova with the support of a personal trainer has won the victory over all rivals. Followed by the ambitious Ema Mišovčikova fr om Slovakia and Cintia Csordás from Hungary.

In the heavy weight category expected top was the world star Jana Vaskova. Dora Balogh from Hungary and Korycka Agnieszka from Poland tried to oppose it, but without success. Jana snatch the stick from them in the first few seconds, leaving no chance of winning.

Semen Anufriev from Russia has come a long way to the European podium. He performed in the unusual for him category up to 80 kg, but quite calmly and competently conducted all the bouts and success didn’t made him wait. With a gold medal on his chest and the winner’s cup in his hands he did not hide his happiness, thanked the organizers for the wonderful reception and its sponsors for the opportunity to participate in such prestigious tournament - sport children school of olympic reserve of his hometown, friends, family, and General director of«Yakutia Railways» Vasiliy Shimokhin.

Slovak mas-wrestlers - Oliver Kurek and Adam Harom had to settle for only silver and bronze. But they were not offended. Oliver invited the rival to his home town Banska Bystrica, to take lessons from him. Not every day on their side is a star as the world champion, Yakut majyny Semen Anufriev.

The winner in the weight category up to 90 kg Evgeniy Pikonin also showed great fighting class, beating tactically different rivals Jozef Buvala from Slovakia and Evandro Pomina from far away Brazil. It is worth saying how excited it was to hear the sounds of the Russian anthem flying under the vaults of a huge hall. These moments are especially important while today the top officials of sports ban the participation of Russian athletes in international competitions against all common sense. Thanks for this to the Slovak Mas-wrestling Association and the sponsoring organization «Railways of Yakutia».

We are very excited for the young Oliver Sidorjak has led the three winners in weight up to 105 kg. This is a great challenge of Slovak team for the next starts of this year - the European Championship in Georgia and the World Championship in Kyrgyzstan.

Congratulations to the Georgian delegation, whose member David Zumadze won a silver medal. It is also worth praising the team leader Mamuka Tuscadze, who inspired athletes with personal example on his birthday. Let’s consider that he succeeded. The new «player» of the national team of Slovakia, a high athlete from Banska Bystrica Adam Tavoda closed three winners.

The tournament ended with a solemn reception of the Slovak side, wh ere the results were summarized. And they are, without any false modesty, wonderful. All athletes without exception expressed sincere thanks to the family of Jan Matej for the warm welcome - free transfers fr om Budapest and Bratislava were organized, accommodation and cultural program provided. Everyone got personal gifts.

It remains to wish everyone «See you next, friends!». By the way, many participants in the first decade of September will go to the capital of Kazakhstan - beauty Astana, wh ere they will rise to the mas-wrestling platform of the World Nomads Games. So, the next meeting is not long in coming.




Author: Lena Tomskaya
Number of shows: 409
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