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Vivid, dynamic and captivating Yakut Competitions

Beautiful, unusual, fascinating.

On the Far East Street, in the territory of the Yakutia pavilion within the sports program of the Eastern Economic Forum Yakut all-around international tournament under the name PACIFIC RIM was held.

All-around, which includes traditional Yakut sports, has its roots in ancient customs and rituals of the northern people. Such contests served to train warriors and hunters, who should have not only physical strength but also flexibility, agility, speed and stamina. These qualities were necessary to protect one’s species, survive in extreme conditions and overcome difficulties.

The modern Yakut all-around is a synthesis of sports competitions and cultural heritage. It attracts the attention not only of the residents of Yakutia, but also of athletes from other regions of Russia and foreign countries.

The «Pacific Rim» competition has become a good tradition, promotes preservation and popularization of traditional sports, acquaintance of a wide audience with culture and customs of the Yakut people. This year it was held among men in two weight categories - up to 80 kg and up to 100 kg. In agreement with the Sports Platform Directorate of the Foundation «Roscongress» athletes participate in competitions on personal invitations of the International Mas-wrestling Federation.

It is gratifying that this year the yakut sports were demonstrated by the Russian athletes and the guys from fraternal Mongolia. Their participation was made possible by the opportunity to come from Ulan-Ude on the railway. For three days of the journey to Vladivostok they could admire the Siberian open spaces and the most beautiful views of the Far East, which could not leave an indelible impression.

So, on September 4 on the embankment of Ayax bay guys in shirts «Yakutia» came out, all like a match, beautiful, stretched, perfectly laid physically.

Let’s introduce:

Weight category - up to 80 kg.

Semen Anufriev - Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russia:

- Double Russian mas-wrestling champion;

- Winner of the international tournament in memory of Marcel Matej in Bardejov, Slovakia;

- World mas-wrestling Champion!

International class Russian Master of sports in «mas-wrestling».

Byambatsog Oyun-erdene - Mongolia:

- Mongolian mas-wrestling champion;

- Mas-wrestling champion among police and security officials of Mongolia;

- Vice Champion of the Xilinhot Cup in the People’s Republic of China.

Shyndaulyet Malgajdar - Mongolia:

- Mongolian mas-wrestling champion.

- Bronze medalist of the Asian Mas-wrestling Championship.

Weight category - up to 100 kg.

Amal Safarov - Moscow, Russia:

- 6-time champion of Moscow and Moscow region in the mas-wrestling;

- 5-time Champion of the Central Federal District in mas-wrestling;

- silver medalist of the Russian mas-wrestling championship;

- 3-time silver medalist of All-Russia mas-wrestling tournament in the Memorial of Olympic champion Roman Mikhailovich Dmitriev;

- Winner of the All-Russia mas-wrestling tournament in memory of the Hero of the Soviet Union Fedor Mikhailovich Okhlopkov;

- Champion of the Eurasian Martial Arts Games;

Russian Master of Sports in mas-wrestling.

Otgonbayar Sukhbaatar - Mongolia:

- 4-time Mongolian mas-wrestling champion;

- Double silver medalist of the national mas-wrestling championship;

- Double Asian Mas-wrestling Vice Champion.

Ganbold Natsagdorj - Mongolia:

- Silver and bronze medalist of the Mongolian Championship in mas-wrestling.

As you can see, all guys are doing their own sport – mas-wrestling. And they’re very successful. It’s great. But it is even more gratifying that everyone wants to go further - to learn all new kinds of competitions from the cultural heritage of the Sakha people.

We are pleased to inform you that among the participants there are guys who have chosen a profession of noble service to the welfare of the civilian population. For example, Oyun-erdene Byambatsog serves the police station of Selenge province. And Semen Anufriev and Ganbold Natsagdorj are firemen. Semen is in service at the 2nd fire department of Yakutsk, and Ganbold is the chief of the fire department of Arkhangay region of Mongolia. He is also a member of the Ministry of Agriculture.

According to the competition regulations, the types of competitions were as follows:

Us tegul us (Yakut jumps)

Tutum ergiir (Yakut turntable)

Kulun tardyy-Ehes torbos (Stubborn bull)

Mas-tardyhyy (Mas-wrestling)

Beremeideekh suuruu (Bag carrying)

Some things did not go as planned, due to the objective conditions of this today the last discipline was cancelled. But the guys gave the audience a great 100m race. Spontaneous speed check after difficult physical training tests was appropriate.

The results of all competitions of the three winners are as follows:

up to 80 kg

1. Anufriev Semen - Russia, RS (Y)

2. Malgaidar Sindaulet - Mongolia

3. Oyun-erdene Byambatsog - Mongolia

up to 100 kg

1. Safarov Amal - Russia, Moscow

2. Natagdorj Ganbold - Mongolia

3. Sukhbaatar Otgonbayar – Mongolia

Specialists of the Republican Center for National Sports. V. Manchaary - the Chief Referee Vasiliy Chichakhov and the Chief Secretary Valeriy Nicanorov nailed with the task. The project curator, the Vice-president of the International Mas-Wrestling Federation Lena Tomskaya (Moscow) and the employee of the International Mas-Wrestling Development Department Aina-Katarina Anufrieva (Yakutsk) provided remote assistance. The result of their work together was this bright, memorable event.

International Mas-wrestling Federation expresses sincere gratitude for the cooperation - Sports Program Directorate of the Eastern Economic Forum, Permanent Representation of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in Vladivostok, for financial support - AC «Yakutia Railways in the person of CEO Vasily Shimokhin and President of the National All-around Federation Aleksei Pinigin, for information support - EEF press service, Congress-center of Yakutia and National broadcasting company «Sakha».

Author: Lena Tomskaya
Photo: Anatoly Shestakov
Number of shows: 484
Country:  Russia
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