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Meeting in the Great Steppe. Second day’s results

The joy of victory and frustration. There were a whole spectrum of emotions on this day which was quite expressive.

The unconditional leaders among women became the representatives of Kyrgyzstan. The usual series of winners fr om Uzbekistan, Russia and Kazakhstan was diluted with an athlete from Iran. See the results:

Women 65 kg

1. Madanbayeva Adel - Kyrgyzstan

2. Hosseini Arezoo - Iran

3. Shapka Ilona - Russia

3. Kim Vanessa - Uzbekistan

Women 75 kg

1. Mailibasheva Naziia - Kyrgyzstan

2. Rejabova Gulnoza - Uzbekistan

3. Plotnikova Liya - Russia

3. Dushayeva Olga - Kazakhstan

In 90 kg and 105 kg men’s weights 18 participants competed in each category. The bout was quite dramatic and uncompromising. Especially in final stages.

A 90 kg weight category’s champion Evgenii Pikonin (Russia) compared the Nomad Games - 2024 with the Olympics: I am proud to I represent my country and the anthem of Russia sounded today. The organization is on top, all at the highest level. Everyone who watched the live broadcast wrote me that it can only be compared with the Olympic games. Thanks Kazakhstan for such a cool sports festival!»

Men 90 kg

1. Pikonin Evgenii - Russia

2. Tsetsgee Unurbat - Mongolia

3. Vafaeipour Hadi - Iran

3. Chynybek uulu Ruslanbek – Kyrgyzstan

Mitch Koop from Canada seems to have expressed in his interview a broad consensus: I am shocked by the level of organization of these Games. I could not even imagine this. Reception, opening ceremony, competition, awarding - all impeccable. I can only compare it with the Olympics, which is being watched by the whole world. We were in a very unexpected atmosphere. Thank you to all who created this global event. Thanks to Kazakhstan and the International Mas-wrestling Federation. Do mas-wrestling! Love it as we do!

Men 105 kg

1. Ataibek uulu Keldibek - Kyrgyzstan

2. Koop Mitchel James - Canada

3. Yerlan Yerkebulan - Kazakhstan

3. Tatarinov Nikita - Russia

Such large-scale events are not only the holding of sports competitions, but also the opportunity to meet like-minded people from different countries. Besides the simple friendly communication, different projects for further substantive cooperation arise. For example, the president of the Canada Mas-Wrestling Federation Andrew Bolinger enlisted the support of the Associate Professor of Mas-Wrestling of Churapcha State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport Vasily Alekseev in organizing the mas-wrestling training process among Calgary’s high school students and getting methodological help.

Canadian friends are in a fighting mood. The high achievements of team members Courtney Houlihan (bronze) and Mitch Koop (silver) inspire and give hope for the successful development of mas-wrestling among adults. A special correspondent of one of Canada's leading newspapers, who is a member of the parliamentary group, knows many politicians and promises full support, will talk about the team's participation in his reports.

We should also be happy for our Slovak friends – Oliver Kurek and Tomas Majer. They are expected tomorrow at the Slovak Embassy in Astana, and then upon their return home at the Ministry of Sports in their home country.

During the competition, two prototypes of children's comic book heroes met according to the rules of mas-wrestling – the already known to us Courtney Houlihan from Canada and Chioca Zacarias from Angola. A creative team is currently working on this interesting project. The publication should first be published in Russian, and then it will be translated into other languages. We hope that this children's book will become a gift for teenagers from different countries around the world.

Chief Referee - Haugen Odd Erling, USA

Deputies of the Chief Referee - Fitissov Pavel, Kazakhstan and Abdullaev Samir, Azerbaijan

Chief Secretary - Konstantinova Namyyna, Russia

Referee-technical secretaries - Nikolaeva Kerecheene, Russia and Anufrieva Aina-Katerina, Russia

Heads of the platform - O'Connor III John Charles, USA, Kadyrov Ilgam, Uzbekistan, Naggy Attila, Hungary

Arbitrators, side-referees - Bumbat Daariymaa, Mongolia, Gubzhev Betal, Russia, Kaparov Abduvakhap, Kyrgyzstan, Suleimanova Ekhtiborkhan, Kyrgyzstan, Akylbek Altyn, Kazakhstan, Muhammad Rashid, Pakistan

Referee of participants - Gusmanov Sailaubek, Kazakhstan

Referees - announcers - Galutva Igor, Russia, Fedorov Agafii, Russia, Berlik, Kazakhstan.  

Overall, the mas-wrestling tournament within the the World Nomad Games fully live up to expectations as organizers. 105 athletes from 33 countries, from all continents - this is a wonderful result! Like in the good old days...

Nine TV cameras were locked onto platform A, wh ere the bouts took place after the selections on platform B. The viewers were able to see the exciting mas-wrestlers bouts live from the most advantageous angles.

It is a little sad that this bright mas-wrestling festival in Astana has ended, but let's think positively. The end of one stage is the beginning of a new one. The next World Nomad Games will be held in Kyrgyzstan. Let's start getting ready?

Author: Lena Tomskaya
Photo: Vladislav Korotov
Number of shows: 352
Country:  Kazakhstan
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